import os import sys import re def print_help(): print 'Eaiser way to launch swgdb' print 'Usage: easiergdb.py jobid rank' def check(exe): ret = os.wait() code = ret[1] >> 8 if code: print '%s exited with code %d' % (exe, code) exit(1) try: jobid = int(sys.argv[1]) rank = int(sys.argv[2]) except Exception: print_help() exit(1) bdebug = os.popen('bdebug %d' % jobid) check('bdebug') bjobs = os.popen('bjobs -l %d' % jobid) check('bjobs') bjobs_output = bjobs.read() cmd_re = re.compile('Command<(?P<CMD>[^>]*)>') cwd_re = re.compile('CWD<(?P<CWD>[^>]*)>') cmd = cmd_re.search(bjobs_output).groupdict()['CMD'] cwd = cwd_re.search(bjobs_output).groupdict()['CWD'] exe = cmd.split(' ')[0] bjobinfo = os.popen('bjobinfo %d' % jobid) check('bjobinfo') node = '0' bjobinfo_lines = bjobinfo.read().split('\n') spaces = re.compile('\\s*') for line in bjobinfo_lines[4:-2]: r = spaces.split(line)[1] if int(r) == rank: node = spaces.split(line)[4] print '==========================================' print 'Target pid is %s' % spaces.split(line)[6] print '==========================================' if os.path.exists(cwd + os.path.sep + exe): path = cwd + os.path.sep + exe else: path = exe os.system("sed -e 's/gdbtui/gdb/g' `which swgdb`> /tmp/swgdb.%d" % os.getpid()) os.system('sh /tmp/swgdb.%d %s %s' % (os.getpid(), path, node)) os.system('rm /tmp/swgdb.%d' % (os.getpid()))
用法是python xxx.py 作业号 进程号。